Monday, 30 September 2019

Why you shouldn't eat so late at night and then go to bed.

‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’.  A nursery lullaby we all must have sung. If you want to doze off early you must also dine early. No wonder hardly anyone follows the routine of an early dinner. It is said that always sleep after an hour or so after your dinner. 

Despite having Best Personal Trainer San Francisco and Best Personal Trainer SF people are still not very cautious of their health.

Have you ever thought why? The reason is the body takes in the food and then the food processing mechanism starts in the body. The one who consumes dinner late night is often found sick. The reason is he does not give the body much time to consume the glucose from the previous food. 

With the various Personal Fitness Trainer San Francisco and Personal Trainers Near Financial District SF, it has made it very easy for the individuals to keep themselves healthy and fit.

Following are the reasons why you should not eat late night:

·                    Eating late at night could lead to acidic reflux in the body. This could be due to indigestion.

         It will impact your sleep leading you with morning nausea or a headache.

      Eating late also leads to excessive weight gain. The stubborn fats in your tummy may be one of              the reasons for your late night meal.

      You can also have the risk of high level of blood sugar.

So prepare a meal and consume late by 8. This will help you keep your appetite intact. It will also help you shred out those belly fats who does allow your body to have those beautiful curves. And lastly eating early will help you have a good night sleep.

Nobody other than the  Personal Fitness Trainer San Francisco CA could help all the individuals to get their mental game as strong as their fitness game.

Monday, 23 September 2019

The importance of warming up before working out

‘What seems impossible today will one day become your warm up’. Have the courage to accept the challenge. Usually it is found in the working men and women are moving around exposing their belly fat. If questioned the answer is, we lack in time. It’s time to shed away the lame excuses and move to the gym from your office. But before starting off with the work outs, the most important thing is to warm up. Here are some of the importances of warm up. Read it and I guarantee you will never forget to warm up in your daily regime. Although  there are a number of Health Coach SF and Health Coach San Francisco.

·        A good warm up is all you require before you start with your work out as it will help increase in the blood circulation.
·         Warm up helps in preparing you mentally for the stress of the strenuous exercises like heavy weight lifting, steep climbing or running on the tread mill.
·         It increases the flexibility. When you enter the gym your muscles are all tighten. Warming up loosens the muscles and makes it fit from head to toe.
A person sometimes gets confused in stretching and warming up. Both are different from each other. Even before you start your stretching exercises you should warm up to help loosen the muscles. Direct stretch can lead to joint injuries or fatal tissue tear. So the moral of the story is ‘Train insane or remain the same and make no more complaints’.

With the availability of Health Coach San Francisco CA and Personal Training San Francisco CA it has given a chance to everyone to stay motivated in fitness journey.